Years ago I went on Jon Kabat-Zinn's famous 8-week course Mindfulness-based Cognitive therapy (MBCT).
As the years have gone by it has become apparent that secular mindfulness, as is predominantly taught in the west, is very limited.
It can be very frustrating practicing in this way. This course is fundamentally different.
This is an 8-week course. Once a week for about 90 minutes. We will look in much greater detail into what is Meditation?
What, if anything does meditation have to do with my health and the way I view myself and the World around me?
Is it possible to go past fear and conflict, and live differently?
What is meant by the term "I am the World, the World is me" and how can this shape all our futures?
The price for the full 8-week course is £500.
If you would like to take part in the next course please contact me on the email below for further details.
Now life is returning to normal there will be more courses where we can get together in person.
Contact: [email protected]
or via
The Course will look at amongst other things?
The mind, including different models and ways for us to start to notice how we think, and see the world.
We will look at the nervous system to better understand what is happening in the body when we are stressed, and also at rest.
We will look at how the body rebalances itself, and how to start to make the most of this.
We will look at characters such as Carl Jung, Robert Anton Wilson, Albert Einstein, and many more. How did they see the world?
This course is not based on any Religion, It has no Dogma, and is aiming to give you complete freedom of thought.
At its heart, a good mediation practice should be personal to you, without any parameters, or dogma.
Every week we will discuss our weekly subject matter, and also complete a meditation. This will always be working through the body.
There is no sitting staring at your thoughts.
Below are links to two of my meditations so you can try it out and see if it works for you:
Meditation One
Meditation Two
If you have any questions about the course please do contact me.
Thank you.
"I was incredibly fortunate to complete ‘Centering Around the Edges’ with Ollie during lockdown. I was unsure how the programme could work over zoom but there was an easy link to join each week and I was amazed at how personal and intimate our sessions felt over technology.
We received well written literature each week prior to our session and this would then stimulate some fascinating conversations amongst the group at the start of our meetings. I loved exploring meditation from different perspectives and finding out about various models and quotes really stimulated my learning, particularly as Ollie’s passion for meditation and osteopathy shone throughout.
And then we would practice meditation. This was absolutely my favourite part of the session and I was astounded at how well this translated through a screen! Ollie guided us through body scan and midline meditations and I would feel ‘heavenly’ and ‘blissful’ at the end of our sessions. And then I would sleep so well.
I have two teenage daughters and despite living with them and Chris 24/7, home schooling, being furloughed and strict lockdown restrictions, I started to notice a change in myself. I became more grounded and balanced. I noticed more flexibility and space in my body and mind and life became calmer and happier. Previously, I focused on the parts of my body that were unwell and I found my thinking shifting towards health and healing, having faith in my body and bringing myself back to neutral and balance. I love the quote ‘nature is intelligent and self-balancing’ and this is and continues to happen for me too.
Who could ask for more! And what a privilege to learn this in such challenging times. I am so grateful to Ollie for designing and facilitating his brilliant programme ‘Centering Around the Edges’. I found it a truly wonderful opportunity and a very healing experience. Thank you! "
Victoria, Windsor